Paladin's Passage Privacy Policy

Your privacy and online safety is very important to Bent Vector Studios. This policy explains the what, how, and why of the information we collect when you play our games. It also explains the specific ways we use and disclose that information.

We’ll start by getting a few definitions out of the way that should help you understand this policy. When we say "we," "us," and "Bent Vector,” we’re referring to Bent Vector Studios, Inc. a corporation under the Canada Business Corporations Act. When we say “you” or “player”, we’re referring to the person or entity that’s registered with us to play our games.

If there are any changes to this Privacy Policy, we’ll post them on this website.

If required for legal reasons under a valid subpoena, we may release your player name to law enforcement or similar authorities.

If a security breach causes an unauthorized intrusion into our system that materially affects you, we will notify you as soon as possible by posting on this page.

Some of our games may use a game cloud service to host data. These services securely store your player name, settings and game progress for use only in the game. This information is never shared with anyone and will not be used for any purpose other than allowing you to play the game.

We don't collect or share any personally identifiable information for any purpose other than those listed above.

You should be aware that when you are on our site, you could be directed to other sites that are beyond our control. There may be links to other sites from our site that take you outside our services. These links are for convenience only and you access them at your own risk. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any content provided from such outside sources or for any mistakes, defamation, libel, slander, omissions, falsehoods, obscenity, adult material or profanity contained therein.